Since the school year of 2014-2015, Bicol Christian College of Medicine (BCCM) implemented an outcome-based course learning plan through merged strategy of delivering the best features of traditional and problem-based teachings via training approaches, attuned to global demands and needs, in the most innovative, advance and ethical manner. It is an educational process in which the elements of teaching and learning are translated into practices.
The traditional approach will provide an apprenticeship from masters and experienced academicians and clinicians who will provide the best environment in acquiring the art, craft and science of medical practice. It includes integration of theoretical and practical knowledge and development of necessary skills, attitudes and ethical approaches that encourages cognitive flexibility, critical reflection, and independent research.
On the other hand, problem-based learning which enhances self-direction, discovery and problem solving, requires that students, as trainees, will make their own clinical decisions so that they can respond flexibly in all contexts.
Lecture-seminar, plenary discussions, and small group activities, laboratory exercises, dissection, student-sponsored workshops, independent and self-directed activities, digital innovations and other available modem technologies of learning will be utilized in a correlative systems-based way of teaching.
The BCCM digital e-learning health care center will supplement this holistic learning process, which includes lectures with large amount of multimedia components, to enhance meaning and understanding of the subjects, with hundreds of relevant text slides, color stills with labels, 2-1) and 3-D animations, audio and videos, and computer-based assessments.
To improve and better provide acquisitions of measurable clinical skills and outcomes as early as the first year, students will be exposed to clinical materials and ward exposures, outputbased return demonstrations, workshops, skills enhancements and trainings, preceptorships and bedside teachings. Evaluation will include written and oral examinations, computer-based examinations, practical examinations, skills laboratory demonstrations, reporting and Observed Structural Clinical Examination (OSCE).
Lectures, workshops and outputs in basic sciences, bedside teachings in clinical subjects, and on-site community exposures will maximize self-directed independent learning and understanding, acquisition of skills, and application in patient care coupled with rich research orientation through evidence-based medicine.
The BCCM MD curriculum is composed of the following courses:
1. Human Anatomy including Gross, Microscopic and Developmental Anatomy
2. Human Physiology
3. Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Basic Nutrition
4. Pharmacology and Therapeutics including Alternative Medicine
5. Microbiology, Parasitology, and Immunology
6. Internal Medicine including Geriatrics and Dermatology
7. General and Clinical Pathology and Oncology
8. Obstetrics and Gynecology including Women's Health
9. Pediatrics and Nutrition including child protection
10. General Surgery and its divisions including Anesthesiology and Pain Management I
11 . Orthopedics
12. Otorhinolaryngology
13. Ophthalmology
14. Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine
15. Basic and Clinical Neurosciences
16. Community Health Medicine including Public Health, Disaster Risk Reduction and
Clinical Management, Preventive Medicine and Health Economics
17. Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
18. History and Perspectives in Medicine
19. Research, Evidence-based Medicine and Medical Informatics
20. Legal Medicine, Medical Jurisprudence and Forensic Medicine
21. Radiology and other diagnostic imaging
Integrated Topics
l. Fundamentals of Medicine: History and Perspectives of Medicine, Roles of a
Physician, Leadership and Management, and Andragogy
2. Introduction to Clinical Medicine I: Consultation Skills, History -Taking, Patient Safety and Quality Assurance
3. Bioethics, Professionalism, Good Clinical Practice, Patient-Doctor Relationship
Clinical Clerkship
Clinical Clerkship is a 12-month course for fourth year medical students. This consists of rotations to all clinical settings of the following departments with BCCM training hospitals:
1. Medicine
2. Surgery
3. Pediatrics
4. Obstetrics-Gynecology
5. Psychiatry
6. Ophthalmology
7. Community Health Medicine
8. Otorhinolaryngology
9. Orthopedics
10. Elective of choice
Curriculum Development
Through the Medical Education Unit, the BCCM MD Curriculum is being developed, monitored, and continuously being improved by all faculty members handling all the courses. The course designs are further reviewed and refined by the Medical Education Unit directly under the Office of the Dean. Other stakeholders such as, alumni, student council and experts are also consulted during the improvement of the curriculum.
Curriculum Components
The BCCM MD Curriculum is composed of the following groups of courses:
l. Basic Sciences
a. Human Anatomy (Gross, Microscopic and Developmental)
b. Biochemistry (w/ Molecular Biology and Genetic)
c. Human Physiology
d. Pharmacology and Therapeutics including Alternative Medicine
e. Microbiology
f. Parasitology
g. Immunology
h. General & System Pathology
i. Basic Neurosciences
2. Clinical Sciences
a. Physical Diagnosis
b. Medicine I: Approach to Diagnosis
c. Medicine Il: Management Skills and Procedures
d. Clinical Pathology (Clinical and Oncology)
e. Basic Obstetrics, Clinical Obstetrics and Women's Health
f. Gynecology
g. Pediatrics I: Core Pediatrics
h. Pediatrics Il: Clinical Pediatrics
i. Surgery I: Basic Principles, Approach to Minor and General Surgcry
j. Surgery Il: Approach to Diagnosis, Management of Trauma, Orthopedics ,TCVS, Urologic, Neurologlc, with Skills and Procedures, Anesthesia and
Pain Management
k. Otorhinolaryngology
l. Ophthalmology
m. Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
n. Clinical Neurosciences
o. Family Medicine and Community Health, Public Health, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Biostatistics, and Epidemiology
p. Family Medicine and Community Health, Public Health (Disease Prevention and Control)
q. Legal Medicine, Medical Jurisprudence and Forensic Medicine
r. Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
s. Radiology and Other Diagnostic Imaging
3. Other courses
a. Bioethics, Professionalism and Good Clinical Practice, Patient-Doctor Relationship
b. Fundamentals of Medicine: History and Perspectives of Medicine, Roles of a Physician, Leadership and Management, and Andragogy
c. Integrated Physical Diagnosis: Consultation Skills, History Taking, Patient Safety and Quality Assurance
d. Medical Informatics
e. Research I: Basic concepts of research
f. Research Il: Research Protocol
g. Research Ill: Research Implementation, Presentation and Publication
Curriculum Delivery
Lectures are interactive which make use of appropriate information communication technology (ICT) and are delivered by masters and experienced academicians and clinicians. Their expertise provides the best environment in acquiring the art, craft, and science of medical practice. It includes integration of theoretical and practical knowledge and development of necessary skills, attitudes and ethical approaches that encourage cognitive flexibility, critical reflection and independent research.
On the other hand, various delivery strategies using small group learning methods are also used regularly and frequently in all courses. Problem-based Icarning, seminars, plenary discussions and small group activities, laboratory exercises, dissection, student-sponsored workshops, independent self-directed activities, digital innovations and other available modern technologies of learning are also utilized in a correlative systems-based way of teaching.
The BCCM digital e-learning health care center supplements the teaching-learning activities. Large amount of multimedia components enhancing meaning and understanding of the subjects with hundreds of relevant text slides, color stills with labels, 2-1) and 3-1) animations, audio and videos and computer-based assessments are integrated in each course to provide millennial learners the avenue to articulate their learning.
To improve and better provide acquisition of measurable clinical skills and outcomes, as early as Medicine I until Medicine IV, students are exposed to clinical materials in the community hospital settings and with ward exposures, output-based retuni demonstrations, workshops, skills I enhancements and trainings, preceptorships and bedside teachings and community activities.
Evaluations include written and oral examinations, computer-based examinations, practical examinations, skills laboratory demonstrations, reporting and Objective Structured
Clinical Examination (OSCE). Lectures, workshops, and outputs in basic sciences, bedside teachings in clinical subjects and on-site community exposures will maximize self-directed,
I independent learning and understanding, acquisition of skills and application in patient care coupled with lich research orientation through evidence-based medicine.
Curriculum Design
Starting school year 2014-2018, in compliance with the Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order (CMO) 46, Series of 2012, BCCM has continuously implemented an outcome-based education (OBE) medical curriculum. The school has complied with the Policies, Standards, and Guidelines for the MD program stipulated in CMO 1 8, Series of 2016. The following IOprogram/Iearning outcomes of CMO 18 serve as the final outcomes that graduates should demonstrate.
In adherence to CMO 18, the same ten-point program outcomes will be used to evaluate course activities and students' achievement in all subjects from Year Levels 1 to 4. The learning/program measurements acronym is C-C-L-R-I-S-P-E-N-S.
1. C - Demonstration of clinical competence
2. C - Effective communication
3. L - Skills and abilities to lead and manage health care teams
4. R - Engaging research activities
5. I - Skills and abilities to collaborate within inter-professional teams
6. S - Utilization of systems-based approach to health care
7. P - Skills and abilities to engage in continuing personal and professional development
8. E - Adherence to ethical, professional and legal standards
9. N - Demonstration of nationalism, internationalism, and dedication to service
10. S - Application and practice of the principles of social accountability
Assessment of above outcomes will be based on both competency standards and Iperformance indicators will be categorized using CHED's P-D scheme whether these program outcomes are:
1. I— Introduced
2. P — Practiced
3. D — Demonstrated
At the end of fourth year, the medicine graduates are expected to be globally competent and trained as health care physicians with values, attitudes, abilities, and skills to diagnose and manage diseases in the clinics, hospital, and community, and to acquire the needed skills for
general medicine practice as primary health care physicians and are prepared for further training in their chosen careers and specializations.
Finally, the school's dogma "God Ileals, We Serve", will be the guiding principle of the medical graduates equipped with holistic and life-long problem-solving and decision-making skills in medical practice.
BCCM envisions producing globally service-oriented physicians with holistic competencies.
The mission of BCCM is to empower medical students with excellent clinical competence, communication and leadership skills, and highest professional standards who will be part in the delivery of health care services to the Philippines and to the world.
BCCM aims to be one of the most preferred learning and training institutions in the country and the world in developing productive, globally competent advocates who shall promote and humanely protect the well-being of men across all nations and adhere to the following core values:
The Human Anatomy course is a 16-unit, 360-hour. annual subject given in two semesters. It is an outcome-based course made up of 6-hour lecture per week and additional 72 hours of laboratory and/or e-lab sessions per year. It is subdivided into gross anatomy, histology, genetics and embryology of the different organ systems of the human body in relation to the clinical manifestations of diseases and neuro-anatomy. The integration of the above mentioned disciplines attempt to complement each other for better correlation and understanding of the subject matter by the students.
It is divided into two courses:
Human Anatomy (1st Semester)
Lecture topics include General Anatomy, Head and Neck, Musculoskeletal System (Upper and Lower Extremities, Back Thorax Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Thorax and Integumentary.
Human Anatomy (2nd Semester)
Lecture topics include Abdomen, Renal, Gastrointestinal, Endocrine, Reproductive System, Hematology and Immunology, and Neuroanatomy.
Learning activities include a series of didactic lectures, actual organ dissections and/or virtual human cadaver dissections. It also includes e-laboratory instructions using digital computer based, 2D/3D animated and interactive systems of the body. Lectures stress important aspects of anatomy, especially as they relate to medical practice. Case discussions will be included. Evaluation includes short and long quizzes, final examinations. both written and computer-based, as well as practical examinations using actual gross and microscopic specimens.
The study and understanding of the chemistry and the metabolism of major macromolecules in the human body, the role of these macromolecules in the maintenance of homeostasis and energy metabolism in normal and abnormal disease states. This outcome-based course introduces the fundamentals of biochemistry as applied to medicine.
Biochemistry 1 (1st Semester)
The first semester course includes the study of the following topics: Biological Cell, Biomolecules, Enzymes, Metabolic pathways, their regulation and metabolic interrelationships: Metabolism, Carbohydrate Metabolism, Amino acid metabolism, Lipid metabolism, ICA cycle, and Regulation of the metabolic pathways.
Biochemistry 2 (2nd Semester)
The second semester course includes study on the following topics: Food assimilation and nutrition: Hormones, Molecular Biology, PH, Buffer, Physiological buffer systems, Immunology Environmental Biochemistry, Cancer and Cancer makers.
The 72 hours of laboratory will include exposure via video demonstrations, case-oriented discussions and/or practical training on various laboratory instrumentations and processes.
Teaching and Learning Methodology will include didactic interactive classroom lectures to facilitate learning on terminology, principles and concepts; self-directed, independent learning using books and resource materials: tutorials and problem-based small group discussions, question-and-answer session fficult concepts In tutorial hours to inculcate skills of reasoning, meaningful approaches to learning and facilitate understanding the subject; laboratory exercises (Biochemistry practicals) to substantiate and clarify theoretical concepts with experimental evidence to develop skills | of ; performing Be hemical tests important in clinical investigations and to develop familiarity with biochemical laboratory instrumentation techniques.
The Physiology course provides an understanding of how cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems function together to create one organism. It examines the physiological function and regulation of major organ systems and their components in the human body. Furthermore, the course lays the basis for understanding the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. It can be followed without previous physiological training. Lessons are presented in a cooperative learning format (Team-Based Learning), in combination with interactive lectures, case discussions, and computer-based learning using SmarTeach. It has an additional 4-hr per week laboratory which includes presentations of clinical cases, practicing of clinical procedures, and improving problem-solving skills.
This outcome-based course involves a study of normal mechanisms which regulate bodily organ system functions that underlie the physiologic responses of the body to various stimuli both in the internal and external milieu. It tackles the physiology of the cell, the nervous system, the muscular system, the cardiovascular system, the blood and immunity, the respiratory system, the renal system, fluid and electrolyte and acid-base regulation, the gastrointestinal system and the endocrine and the reproductive systems. Special topics like exercise and sports physiology, fetal and neonatal physiology, aviation, space and underwater physiology, and physiology of aging are also included. The course provides a foundation for the patho- physiology of disease mechanisms and rational diagnosis and treatment of disease.
The Human Physiology Course is 16-unit annual course divided into two semestral courses:
Human Physiology 1 (1st Semester)
Topics include General and Cell Physiology, Muscle Physiology; Nerve Physiology; Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Integumentary.
Human Physiology 2 (2nd Semester)
Topics include Renal, Gastrointestinal, Endocrine. Hematology, Reproductive System, Special Senses, Neurophysiology and special topics like Sports physiology, fetal and neonatal physiology, aviation, space and underwater physiology, and physiology of aging are also included.
Instruction is composed of a series of didactic lectures, lecture-recitations, case-study discussions and clinical correlation sessions taught by practicing physician who are specialists in their own fields. After performing laboratory experiments, the class has workshop discussions about the records and results of the experiment. The course emphasizes mechanistic and integrative functions of normal physiology and explores abnormal function that occurs in many human diseases.
Also frequent short quizzes, both written and computer-based, return-demonstration skills assessment, and submission of assigned tasks, performance of laboratory works and attitude performance are used as means of evaluating the knowledge, skills and attitude of medical students.
• Medical Informatics and E-Learning
This outcome-based course covers the background, history, issues and barriers to medical informatics and health information technology. It also aims to develop in-depth understanding of Medical Informatics (MI), its goals, standards, applications, and uses in medical students’ acquisition of education, as well as the demanding physician’s practice and environment when they graduate.
This course will enable to identify and solve MI problems in the best possible ways; build, run, and optimize complex healthcare processes and do MI research. This course is about the role of ICT in medical education, medical practice, and health systems and services via processing clinical data with information towards improving healthcare.
A seminar /training/workshop using smartphones for data management shall be included.
The laboratory will use the AMEC-BCCM SMARTEACH MEDICAL INFORMATICS E- I EARNING CENTER which is an innovative digital medical education system which includes:
SmarTeach® e-Content SmarTeach® programs which consist of e-lectures across all healthcare topics, along with multimedia and assessment components that enhance the meaning and understanding of every topic making students master any subject.
Included in these lecture enhancements are hundreds of relevant text slides, colour stills with labels, 2D and 3D animations, audio, and videos. E-Content includes products across medical and paramedical courses, and continuing Medical Education programs for lifelong professional development.
SmarTeach® e-ClassSmarTeach® e-Class provides an innovative solution to Medical teachers to promote integrated teaching with blended learning to simplify content delivery in their own classrooms. Through simple, practical & meaningful use of technology combined with e-Content, medical teachers can enhance any student’s academic performance.
SmarTeach® Virtual Class SmarTeach® Virtual Class allows medical teachers to publish ready- to-teach e-Content online and on a pre-fixed time schedule teach students enrolled virtually from any-where across the globe using their laptop equipped with a webcam.
SmarTeach® e-LibrarySmarTeach® E-Library solution streams pre-recorded video lessons on demand to students in a Digital Library so that they can flexibly learn at their own place, pace and time. SmarTeach computer-based examination provides outright, fast and accurate computer based evaluation of students learning. The system has a pool of more than 100,000 test questions.
The E-Learning Center serves as the E-laboratory adjunct of all me fic cal subj Serves as the best avenue to practice medical informatics aside from providing Ic Opportunities for students to master all the subjects comprehensively.
• Family Health and Community Medicine
This is a 12-unit course from first year to third year plus a 1-month clinical clerkship rotation. It is composed of 6 modules, each module is a 2-unit per semester subject.
The medical student, at the end of each module, is expected to acquire knowledge, skills and leadership management in dealing with individuals and families in a community and the various health aspects and environmental factors affecting them. It is also includes knowledge and application of conducting research appraisal of medical literature and evidence-based medicine.
This will entail lectures as well as community immersion activities and seminar workshops organized by students. It has the following components:
Family Medicine & Community Health I in the first year is composed of:
FMCH (First Semester)-Disease Prevention and Control I
This is a 2-unit, 36-hour module composed of 2-hr per week lectures.
The course is an overview of the disciplines of Preventive Medicine, Family Medicine, Community Medicine, and Public Health. It deals with the roles of the physician in health promotion and maintenance of health of the individual, going beyond higher units of care to involve a patient's family as well as his/her community.
The course will enable the students to apply theoretical knoeledge in creating a presentation of an assigned topic incorporating the different health programs of the government. The students will also apply the learning in their initial exposure to the community in the next course Epidemiology and Research Methods I.
This is composed of lectures on the basic concepts of health disease, natural history and principles of disease prevention control, proper and adequate nutrition, periodic health examination, immunity and diseases, families and communities as units of care, fundamentals of environmental health, vector and vermin control, food borne and waterborne diseases, and waste mangement and water sanitation.
FMCH 2(second Semester) - Epidemiology and Research
This is a 2- unit, 36-hour module, composed of 2-hour per week lectures in the first year first semester which deals with biostatistics and the various epidemiological tools and techniques in quantifying population and health statistics and how this can be used in analyzing researches or planning a research for the benefit of the community.
Basic concepts in various research study design, biostatistics, and evidence based medicine will reinforced in this course. T the end of the semester, with the knowledge in biostatistics and epidemiology, the student will be able to write a research protocol or plan in evaluating a community program.
Actual research, meta-analysis, review or community survey will be done during the last module in CHM 6 on he second semester of third year. The course deals with the formulation of an actual research proposal.
• Human Timeline
• Fundamentals of Medicine
• Bioethics I
• Intro to Clinical Medicine
• Basic Neurosciences
• Research I
• Pharmacology and Therapeutics
• General and Systemic Pathology
• Physical Diagnosis
• Medicine I
• Family Medicine and Community Health
• Bioethics II (Patient-Doctor Relationship)
• Psychiatry I
• Clinical Neurosciences
• Microbiology and Immunology
• Parasitology
• Surgery I
• Pediatrics
• Obstetrics
• Research II
• Medicine II
• Surgery II
• Pediatrics II
• Family Medicine and Community Health II
• Research III
• Ophthalmology
• Obstetrics II
• Clinical Pathology
• Legal and Forensic Medicine
• Otolaryngology
• Gynecology
• Medical Jurisprudence
• Radiology and Other Diagnostic Imaging
• Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
• Psychiatry II
• Clerkship
The Clinical Clerkship Program of the BCCM is designed to train the students for general practice. It is accomplished by actual clinical and clerical work and didactic sessions. Emphasis is laid on the concept of community medicine. An Introduction and exposure to the different clinical fields of medicine is also given. It is the period with the greatest clinical exposure.
To qualify to the program, a student must have passed all the courses in the first three (3) years of the medical course under the present Course Learning Plan of the BCCM.
The general objectives of the Clinical Clerkship Program are:
1. To apply knowledge in basic sciences and clinical subjects learned during the past three years;
2. To refine their interventional skills;
3. To sharpen their intellectual abilities of problem solving and clinical judgement;
4. To develop concern and pleasant attitude towards patients and their relatives;
5. To develop interpersonal skills;
6. To develop attitudes and habits associated with their profession, especially those of responsibility and self-learning, and;
7. To integrate Christian medical principles and practices
This is a 12-month rotation for fourth year medical students in all clinical departments of Ago General Hospital and other affiliated government hospitals of Bicol Christian College of Medicine. The details of Posting are as follows:
Area | Duration |
Medicine | 2 months |
Surgery | 2 months |
Pediatrics | 2 months |
Ob-Gynecology | 2 months |
Community Health and General Medicine | 1.5 months |
Psychiatry | 2 weeks |
Otorhinolaryngology | 2 weeks |
Radiology | 2 weeks |
Orthopedics | 2 weeks |
Ophthalmology | 1 week |
Elective | 1 week |